Dragon fruit or pitaya often called actually originated from the Americas. The fruit is abundant in areas of Mexico, Central America, and South America. But the dragon fruit now it has spread all over the world.
The term itself comes from a fruit called Thang Loy (Vietnam), the emergence of the term is motivated by an ancient country Vietnam has close to Chinese culture. Usually the fruit is placed between two statues of dragons, where this fruit called pitaya or dragon fruit.
Dragon fruit not only provide benefits to the State of Vietnam and China, but the benefits of dragon fruit is now also be felt by all walks of life. Be it children, teenagers, adults, even pregnant and lactating mothers.
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Perhaps many of us are familiar with the type of dragon fruit there are only two, namely red and white dragon fruit. But actually kind of dragon fruit itself is 4, the differences are based on skin color. Fourth dragon fruit, among others.
- Hylocereus undatus:
types of dragon fruit that has red skin and white flesh. one type of dragon fruit consumed by many people- Hylocereus polyrhizus:
This one has a dragon fruit skin color pink or pink, while the flesh has a red color.
This one has a dragon fruit skin color pink or pink, while the flesh has a red color.
- Selenicereus megalanthus:
slightly yellow colored skin and flesh has a white color (like the first type).
slightly yellow colored skin and flesh has a white color (like the first type).
- Hylocereus costaricensis:
types of dragon fruit that has skin and red flesh. Even the red color of the flesh and rind is thick once.
Although different in kind, but the efficacy of the dragon fruit is basically the same. The emergence of a large dragon fruit benefits derived from the content of nutrients in the dragon fruit.
types of dragon fruit that has skin and red flesh. Even the red color of the flesh and rind is thick once.
Although different in kind, but the efficacy of the dragon fruit is basically the same. The emergence of a large dragon fruit benefits derived from the content of nutrients in the dragon fruit.
The content of nutrients in red dragon fruit, among others such as fiber, vitamin C, B1, essens minerals, folic acid, carotene, and many more. Here I will discuss one by one about the benefits of dragon fruit, good for health and beauty.
1. Prevent cancer
This is the efficacy of red dragon fruit most stunning. As we all know, cancer is a deadly disease number 2 after a heart attack. Cancer is very difficult to treat, but can be prevented by the consumption of red dragon fruit.
This is the efficacy of red dragon fruit most stunning. As we all know, cancer is a deadly disease number 2 after a heart attack. Cancer is very difficult to treat, but can be prevented by the consumption of red dragon fruit.
According to research at the University of Chicago from the United States, the dragon fruit contains high antioxidant compounds. The benefits of antioxidant itself is able to ward off free radicals cause damage to cells trigger cancerous growth.
You could say the antioxidant content of dragon fruit is almost the same as the content of antioxidants in the mangosteen fruit is quite phenomenal.
2. Reduce the risk of diabetes
Diabetes may arise due to the blood sugar levels are high enough, the higher the blood sugar level, the higher your risk of diabetes.
But do not worry, you can reduce the risk of diabetes by eating dragon fruit regularly. With vitamin B1 and a low glycemic index, blood sugar levels rise you will not even get down.
Consumption of dragon fruit I strongly recommend for those who have a family history of diabetes. For the one who comes from a family history of a patient away six times more at risk for diabetes.
3. Reduce the risk of heart disease
Heart attacks, cancer, and diabetes are diseases that are quite deadly. Already many lives lost every minute as a result of the disease.
Efficacy of heart related dragon fruit, the fruit contains potassium which is quite high. The mineral content of potassium is believed to dilate blood vessels, thus making the performance of the heart is lighter in distributing blood throughout the body.
4. Maintain bone health
Calcium and phosphorus are nutrients that are good enough for bones, because the natural mineral content are able to prevent bone loss or osteoporosis. In addition to eating dairy products, you can also get the nutrients calcium and phosphorus with dragon fruit consumption.
According to the FAO (the UN agency in charge of food), dragon fruit contains calcium and phosphorus is high enough. For adults, the content is able to strengthen the bones, while for children aged 10-20 years are able to optimize the content of bone growth and increase their height.
5. Good for eye Health
Efficacy next red dragon fruit is good for the eyes. Beta-carotene is the dragon fruit is very high, quoted from the site of the betakroten content Merdeka is good for eye health care naturally and prevent macular degeneration.
Free radicals such as UVA and UVB rays is bad for the condition of our eyes, because radiation is potentially harmful cells and tissue present in the eye.
However, you can prevent the consumption of dragon fruit, because fruit is high in antioxidants that can counteract free radicals.
6. Good for diet
Who behold who are undergoing weight loss diet program? if you are one of them, then please enter the red dragon fruit kedalammenu your daily healthy diet.
According to nutrition experts dragon fruit contains fiber compound and calories low enough, the content will not make your weight increases. Instead, the fiber content will help you lose weight.
To get the benefits of dragon fruit this one, please consume the fruit regularly at least 1 item every day. You can make a dragon fruit juice to avoid when eating the fruit bosa
7. Keeping the immune system
The immune system is very important for your health, because if the immune system is badly various diseases would be very easy to attack the body. Whether it's a mild illness such as flu, cough, runny nose, fever, and dangerous diseases such as HIV / AIDS.
Maintain and enhance the immune system can do by eating dragon fruit regularly. This fruit contains a compound in vitamin C, protein, and potassium is high enough. The contents is beneficial to the immune system / immune.
8. Digestive system
Benefits of attractive red dragon fruit is able to launch your digestive system. Efficacy of dragon fruit can arise due to the content of vitamins B1 and soluble fiber that is high enough.
Not only is able to launch the digestive system, but the nutrient content is also able to overcome their digestive problems such as difficult defecation, diarrhea, dysentery, and many more.
9. Being Able to maintain healthy teeth
The content of calcium and phosphorus in the dragon fruit is not only beneficial for bones, but the content is believed also quite efficacious to take care of your dental health naturally.
Cavities, tooth ache, and even bleeding gums is a problem that can be overcome by eating dragon fruit regularly. However, when making the dragon fruit juice, do not add sugar. Because sugar will make your teeth is porous and hollow.
10. Detecting the presence of borax and formaldehyde
Nowadays a lot of foods that contain harmful preservatives, preservatives, among others such as borax and formaldehyde. Usually foods containing these preservatives are tofu, meatballs, noodles, meat, and much more.
You can check the content of borax and formaldehyde in food using mangosteen juice. For example input out into the soaking water that has been given a bit of mangosteen juice.
After 15 minutes passed, try to observe water in a bath knows it. If you input thereto Kleenex tissue to turn red, it means the food contains formaldehyde.
11. Good for pregnant women
The benefits of dragon fruit for pregnant women is also quite large. This happens because the dragon fruit contains folic acid, vitamins, and minerals needed by pregnant women and fetuses in order to stay healthy.
In addition to helping maintain the health of the fetus and pregnant women, the content in the dragon fruit is also quite effective to optimize the growth of the fetus in the womb.
So you get the benefits of dragon fruit for pregnancy, dragon fruit juice consumption since the beginning of the first trimester until delivery.
Efficacy of dragon fruit for health and pregnant women is quite large, but according to experts in the nutritional content of dragon fruit is also very good for treating skin's natural beauty.
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12. Prevent Premature aging
Premature aging is one of them causes us look older. As for the signs of premature aging among other things such as wrinkles, wrinkles, lines, sagging, and much more. The emergence of signs of premature aging may be due to the influence of free radicals.
To counteract free radicals and prevent premature aging, you can consume mangosteen fruit juice regularly. With a fairly high antioxidant content, the fruit of this will help your skin in counteracting free radicals
But for maximum treatment results, you can also soften the flesh dragon fruit and use as a face mask on a regular basis every day.
13. optimizing the regenaration of new skin cells
Rejuvenation of skin cells will not be separated from the name of regeneration. With the regeneration of new skin cells, then your face will look brighter and radiant than usual.
Efficacy of dragon fruit for the regeneration of this you can get by using mask dragon fruit that has been mixed with natural honey. Just use for 30-60 minutes a day for a bright and beautiful skin.
14. Smoothes skin naturally
Rough skin can occur due to a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface of the face. Dragon fruit contains vitamin C, protein and folic acid are already believed to be very effective to dissolve dead skin cells are.
To get the benefits of dragon fruit, you can soften the fruit and use as a mask scrubing. However, I recommend mixing it with lime.
Because the vitamin C in lime is much higher and effective way to slough off dead skin cells are.
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